Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 7: Mackinac, Mi to Marquette, Mi.

Today we hit the road again after a "stop day" to allow us to tour Mackinac Island, but first some reflections of the Island -- Fudge.  I can't ever recall seeing so many fudge stores in one place.... thicker than Starbucks in Seattle.  And draft horses... really large animals pulling heavy loads everywhere.  I expected to see the Budweiser wagon at any minute, but it didn't show.  The city had a lot of employees doing street cleaning duties and there was seldom a problem with the exhaust from the horsepower. 

After dark the merchants of Mackinac City put on a laser show in the open mall area downtown.  This photo doesn't do justice to the show, expertly arranged with music and laser light illustrations.

Our route today takes us across the Mackinac Bridge to the upper penninsula of Michigan, then west along the north shore of Lake Michigan, to Manistique, then north between the Hiawatha National Forest and the Lake Superior State Forest.  We saw lots of trees.

Aside from the construction on the bridge, and the incredible length of it, the mesh roadway toyed with our Morgan suspension... it was an interesting ride.  Thanks to Missy McKenna for this photo from their Plus 8.


There was also some construction on the roads, but the delays were only a few minutes and the flag people were fun to chat with.

Rolling into Manistique we saw this landmark lighthouse across the highway from the Big Boy restaurant where some of us had breakfast.

Bob and Missy McKenna pose in front of a Moose, the only kind we want to see close up, at the Big Boy.

After Bruce's fuel pump adventure earlier this week he decided he should replace the one he borrowed from Reg Hahn.  So a stop at NAPA was in order. 

An hour later, and soaking from the sun and heat an ice cream stand beckoned.  Reg enjoys some Moose Tracks in Munising, Mi, site of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. 

I borrowed this photo from the National Parks web site because one needs to be in a boat to actually see the "pictured rocks".  The rocks tower 50 to 200 feet above the water and the clouds reflect from the deep blue Lake Superior causing the picture to be constantly changing.  It must be an impressive sight to see.

As our four car group investigated the park the brochure directed us to this interesting rock formation called Miners Castle, and our first real view of Lake Superior.  (the fourth of the Great Lakes we have seen thus far on this trip.)

Then, we looked up Munising Falls, also part of the National Park.  Michigan has three National Parks, and so far we have visited two... this one and Sleeping Bear Dunes.  The third National Park is on an island out in Lake Superior.  I don't think we will make it there, unless someone wants to loan us a boat. 

The day turned really warm with lots of direct sun, so the tops went up on some of the cars to shield the riders from the burning rays.

A planned dinner with the whole group at Vierling's in Marquette, famous for their Superior Whitefish. 

Yup, superior in everyway.  Really good.

Missy McKenna and Beth Miller show off their new parking signs which will go up in their garages when they get home. 

This was a full day of perfect weather, near perfect highways, good sights and good food. 

We've spent 5 days in Michigan, have seen now four of the five Great Lakes and put about 900 miles on our cars.  And we are not yet one-third of the way through our trip.   And Charlie Hayes and Vicky McIntyre leave us in the morning, on a planed exit to accomodate other obligations.  We hope to see them on the next Pub Crawl if not before.  Best wishes C & V.

Tomorrow the third state: Wisconsin.  And the threat of rain late in the day.

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