Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 5: Traverse City to Mackinac City

Good morning everyone.... Alan Marsh's very nice Plus 8 ready to rumble.  This looks like a wonderful day in northern Michigan... temps will be in the low 80's and sunny. 

Not so sure about Alan, here with his breakfast in the parking lot. 

Our route takes us from Traverse City to Mackinac City, MI, along the coast of the lower penninsula of Michigan.  Vacation land for many.... beautiful vistas and lovely homes. 

We got off about 9 with routing's to Petoskey and points elsewhere in the vacation land of upper Michigan.  A stop at a fruit farm to get some Michigan cherry's and blueberries.  Known as the best in the world.  And this year suffering from extreme frost damage to the crop, costing as much as 90% of the crop.  But some stands are doing well.

Personally, we had an arrangement to meet up with our friend from Elyria, OH who have a cabin near Petoskey, at Pickerel Lake.  We arrived about 11. 

He has a collection of outboard motors that he repairs and sells.  But sales are slow.

He also has a few restored wood boats for sale.... nice stuff indeed.

After a pleasant lunch with our friend it was off to Cross Village.

On the way north we went through the Tunnel of Trees... a 20 mile run of excellent twisty roads along the Lake Michigan coast from Harbor Springs to Cross Village, Mi.   

Our route plan was to meet up at Leg's Inn in Cross Village for a group photo.  One of the first to arrive was Patsy and Art Kampschafer.... our pub crawlers who started in Texas. 

Leg's Inn is named for the stove's they used to use in this area for heat... actually, named for the legs of the stoves.  Here are some which adorn the Leg's Inn restaurant.

Our Group Photo.

Hers's a story of the Pub Crawl.

Charlie Hayes car has been a bit of a rough rider so far.  The tires and suspension have been gaining comments from traveling companion Vicky, who suggested she might need more support due to the rough ride. The group wasn't bold enough to buy her a sports bra, but did buy her some decorative duct tape to help the situation.

This is a photo of the very neat dashboard in Bob McKenna's Plus 8.  The wood work and fit/finish was remarkable.  Nice job Bob.   

But alas, Bob's car is not perfect.  He stopped today to rectify an issue with his exhaust and electrical wiring. 

Once we arrived in Mackinac City many of us decided this was a good time to catch up on laundry... this is the fifth day of the tour and with limited luggage most are ready for a refresher.

Reg and Charlotte Hahn folding. 

Dinnertime was another chance to have some Whitefish...

And for some, a Makers Mark Manhattan. 

Stop day tomorrow... and time to go to take the Ferry to Mackinac Island, and go back in time to another world. 

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