Monday, July 16, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 11: Nipigon to Marathon, On - Rain day

This day, July 16, our 11th day of the tour we woke to a steady rain, the first rain so far after 10 days on the road.  The forecast was for a "chance of rain" which turned out to be an all day soaker. 

First job of the day was to check the cars to be sure the rain wasn't leaking through the hooding.

This is Bob McKenna surveying the situation.  He, like some of us had only left the tonneau on the car, and we had to erect the hooding and dry out the interior before getting under way.

This is my car with the hooding up, a very rare sight.

A truck stop breakfast, then on the road.

Art and Patsy Kampschafer were driving with a Bimini top... no side or rear windows so they are subjected to the cold rain and wind the entire trip.  Al Marsh took this photo just before driving off with no top at all.  These Morgan people really live on the edge. 

Our route today is across the northern shore of Lake Superior... from Nipigon to Marathon, Ontario.  A curvy, hilly, scenic drive. 

Thankfully it is a short two and a half hour drive through some of the most scenic areas of the entire trip.  Too bad we will not see much of it due to the heavy overcast and fog.  The cuts through the granite on the hill tops really show off the red stone.

We've seen many logging trucks along the way... this is the back end of a semi trailer truck at speed on Route 17 between Nipigon and Marathon.  Hope those side poles hold as we drive by.

Al Marsh took this picture of the lake from a scenic overlook.  The rain seems to enhance the emotion of the region, but it attenuates the view.

Arrival at the hotel early since we didn't stop at any of the scenic overlooks.  Rooms not ready so we went to the local A&W for a terrific hamburger. 

The skies continued to pour down rain even later in the afternoon.

Charlotte Hahn sends this pic of her clever shoe drying operation.  For those who might not know, Morgans are not water tight and the fancy louvres on the bonnet allow water to run to the scuttle and into the cockpit.  And the windshield frame doesn't seal very well either.  Towels are mandatory on a trip like this. 

Thanks to Charlotte Hahn, Missy McKenna, and Al Marsh who have provided photos above and beyond what I have been able to shoot. 

Again, comments about the blog and trip are welcomed.   Send to

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