Monday, July 9, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 4: Frankenmuth to Traverse City, Mi. --

The day began with cool temps and mostly clear skies, perfect for touring.  Our route will take us through the middle of the Michigan and the forests in the west.  Lots of Birch, Pine, Maple and Oak trees.  Then to the coastal area.

Bill and Ellen Kukuk in their energetic 4/4 through the farm lands en route to Manistee.

Bruce and Betty Dawn Hardman's prize winning four seater sporting the new "Moose" mascot for some of the Pub Crawlers. 

Oh oh!  Bruce's car stopped dead in its tracks entering Manistee.  He thought it ran out of fuel.

Then we discovered the fuel pump may have failed.  No worries, another in the spares kit.

Problem fixed, all went off to lunch as the Boat House in Manistee.  Terrific setting on the canal.  Good food too.

We stopped at the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore to take in the sights.  Seems we became a sight too, as the crowds gathered to look at our cars. 

The scenery was breath taking.   

Oh No!  Bruce's car stopped again.  Same problem.  This time we decided it might be vapor lock or the new (rebuilt) fuel pump failed again.  Here's how you blow into the fuel tank to put pressure on the input of the fuel pump.   The assembled mechanical helpers, Reg, Bruce and Bill dug into their spare parts and found a couple of electronic fuel pumps.  They fitted one, bypassing the "correct" mechanical pump and she fired right up.... to the applause of the assembled wives and on lookers.

Sleeping Bear Dunes is a sight - so unusual and unique to this area of the world. 

Some of our Pub Crawlers actually climbed or hiked down the dunes..... Missy and Beth, Bob and Charlie.  What energy!

With the delays caused by the mechanical failures of Bruce's car and the extra long mileage of the day we got in late.... checked into the hotel, quickly unpacked and then adjourned to the restaurant next door for our first taste (for some of us) of whitefish, a noted delicacy of this area.  Yum!

Tomorrow, Petoskey play and off to Mackinac City.

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