Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 16: St. Catharines and area

Saturday, July 21 was a chance to sleep in a bit since the drivers meeting wasn't until 9 and we didn't have to pack.  We're staying at the Sheraton for three nights on this finale weekend of the Pub Crawl which greatly simplifies the morning routine.
The Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada (MSCCC) is joining us and taking us for a sightseeing drive and lunch.  The drivers meeting in the parking lot is lots of conversation and a chance for meeting of new and old friends from Canada.  John Roden is the leader for the day.

We also bit farewell to the Pub Crawl curmudgeon Al Marsh, who leaves the crawl today to go visit a friend in Maine.  Thanks Al, for the help with photos and great stories along the way.

So, off we go in a caravan style parade, about 14 Morgans in a row.  A sight that drew reactions from the participants and spectators along the way. 

We stopped at Lock 7 along the Welland Canal, hoping for a freighter to come through... but alas only a tour bus arrived and swamped us with attention.  Always fun to teach people about Morgan cars.
The canal administration and control building.

One of our gang noticed Bruce's car was leaking fuel onto the ground.  He discovered the new electric fuel pump we installed some days ago, with a manual power switch, was still running and overpowered a gasket on his carburetor.   A little patience and lots of skill made a repair on the spot.

We drove over a lift bridge which crosses the Welland Canal.   

Then past some beautiful vineyards.  Yup, we are in wine country here.

A scheduled stop at Strewn Winery.  A very nice welcome center, tasting room and sales room waited for us as we made a bee line for the power rooms.  But soon we were in the tasting room.  Yum... even at 10:30 in the morning.

Then a tour through the processing area where grapes are processed into juice, then fermented and stored for bottling.
Grahame was a very well informed tour guide and representative of the winery.  He taught us a lot about grapes, growing grapes and making wine.

Gewürztraminer is the grape on this vine.  Still in the middle of its growing season.

Then time for more samples... a dry white, a dry red and a very sweet desert wine.  All moderately priced.

Bill shows his enthusiasm for the dry white wine.
A spirited drive through the vineyard country, back by the Welland Canal to see if any freighters showed up (nope) then across back roads to a restaurant called "My Place".

Everyone seemed to have a good time until the carpenter started to repair a table in the next room and made a terrible racket with his hammer drill. 

Because of the late afternoon hour when we finished lunch most of us decided not to go to the next stop...another winery, and returned to the hotel.  We had a dinner scheduled for 6:30 and needed to rest and get cleaned up.

Dinner with the Canadian Morgan enthusiasts was a fabulous evening, with stories and fun for all.  In the middle Art and Patsy arrived to a standing ovation from their trek and adventure.  Seemed yesterday as they were traveling from Tobermory they lost part of the drive shaft mechanism.... a universal joint.  The car would run, but not too far without causing damage.  So they stopped, found a local mechanic in Durham, Ontario who helped diagnose the problem, order parts and clear the decks for repair in the morning.  Art and Patsy found the last room in a small hotel just down the road and said they had a relaxing evening and a wonderful meal. 

This morning they went back to the garage and had the repair completed before noon.  They are still having some trouble with their clutch and the part was supposed to arrive today, but didn't.  They hope it gets here on Monday.  So, they've really had an adventure.  But they are still smiling and happy and enjoying the trip.  And we are enjoying having them with us.

Out thanks go out to John Roden and the members of the Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada for their hospitality, enthusiasm and generousity of time to all of us on the Morgan Pub Crawl.  They are great people who expressed the hand of friendship and we really appreciated the welcome to the Niagara Falls area.

Tomorrow is the first unscheduled day of the Pub Crawl with no activities planned except for the farewell dinner tomorrow night.  Tune in to find out what we did in tomorrows blogspot.

BTW, email and internet at this hotel is spotty, but I appreciate the comments and good wishes sent to me at  Thanks!

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