Monday, July 23, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 17: Niagara area Ontario

Sunday, July 22, our final day of the Morgan Pub Crawl is a day without a schedule.  Our finale, a get together with pizza and refreshments is tonight at the hotel, but otherwise no formal activities are scheduled.  Some of the group have already left due to family needs etc.  The majority though planned today to sight-see in this area anchored by one of the wonders of the world... Niagara Falls.

I took this photo from the second floor of the Niagara Falls visitors center overlooking the Canadian "Horseshoe" falls.  Thirty four million gallons of water goes over the falls every minute.  That's nearly thirty 20,000 gallon swimming pools every second, if I did my math right.

The Maid of the Mist tour boats were running with full loads when we looked down on them from the railing above.  We considered taking it, but time was telling us we needed lunch pretty soon.

Instead we watched a 25 minute presentation called Niagara's Fury, a stunning film with, lights, sound, moving floor, rain, snow, cold wind show.. a wet and wild affair.  It told of the creation of Niagara Falls during the ice age to today.  At $15 a person it seemed like a lot, but it was really well done.

Then we drove up the Niagara Parkway to Niagara On The Lake. 

A neat area of nice homes, a busy downtown with restaurants and shops designed for the upscale traveler.  We were told of a restaurant on Mary Street called the Stone Road Grill by a chap up in Little Current a few days ago.  He said his son worked there and suggested we dine there.  We headed there and found a cute little seafood, epicurean hide away.  And had a terrific lunch.  But Brett was not there... he only works the dinner shift.

Also in Niagara on the Lake-- lunch at the Olde Angel Inn and Pub with Charlie, Beth, Brenda and Bryan Morgan, David and Joanne Birtwhistle (from the Canadian Club) and Bob and Missy.

Our little group got back on Lakeshore Road, past a bunch of winery's, made a stop at a fruit stand for some peaches, then with the threat of rain we headed back to the hotel.  About 5 miles from the hotel the clouds darkened and we stopped to put up the hooding.  Less than 5 minutes later we encountered a sudden thunderstorm.

We made it back to the hotel, parked under the portico and finished putting on the side curtains and wiping down the cars, and us.  Sorry we didn't think to take a picture of the fire drill we were running to enclose the cars. 

A half hour later three more Morgans arrived, also soaked. 

Missy McKenna took this photo of Charlies car led by Brian and Brenda Morgan's car, with top down, in the rain.

Ah, British cars... what fun.

Our pizza dinner, complements of the Pub Crawl treasury, started with refreshments in the Miller suite where some presentations were made for services and valor to the pub crawl.  Art and Patsy Kamspchafer were recognized for their tenaciousness in the shadow of mechanical issues with their car.  Gary was presented a gift for doing the blog.  And Charlie was given some gifts for his leadership of the entire event.    Announcements were made about the next Pub Crawl in 2014 and Art invited us to the Kentucky 1000 this fall in Kentucky (where else).

I've done pictures of each couple on the crawl, but missed a two shot of Diane and Mike Dewar of Canada who have participated in a couple Pub Crawls.  They live over near Windsor, CA, just outside of Detroit and drive a very nice Morgan Plus 8.

Our Pizza dinner was expertly catered by the staff of the Four Points hotel with soft drinks, beer, wine and several Pizzas.   A jovial group winding down a 17 day adventure.  Lots of hugs and invitations to join again were passed around.  And a slow withdrawal to our individual rooms. 

We made it around the Great Lakes in good order.  Over 2500 miles, plus mileage to and from our individual homes over at least 18 days.  (A and O on this map is where this blog editor lives.)

Tomorrow, Day 18 we all go our separate ways, some early starters and some later.  We plan another Morgan Pub Crawl in the summer of 2014 to the north east states -- New York and New England.

Until then, thanks for your attention and comments to our trip and best wishes for a safe trip home. 


Gary and Sally K

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 16: St. Catharines and area

Saturday, July 21 was a chance to sleep in a bit since the drivers meeting wasn't until 9 and we didn't have to pack.  We're staying at the Sheraton for three nights on this finale weekend of the Pub Crawl which greatly simplifies the morning routine.
The Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada (MSCCC) is joining us and taking us for a sightseeing drive and lunch.  The drivers meeting in the parking lot is lots of conversation and a chance for meeting of new and old friends from Canada.  John Roden is the leader for the day.

We also bit farewell to the Pub Crawl curmudgeon Al Marsh, who leaves the crawl today to go visit a friend in Maine.  Thanks Al, for the help with photos and great stories along the way.

So, off we go in a caravan style parade, about 14 Morgans in a row.  A sight that drew reactions from the participants and spectators along the way. 

We stopped at Lock 7 along the Welland Canal, hoping for a freighter to come through... but alas only a tour bus arrived and swamped us with attention.  Always fun to teach people about Morgan cars.
The canal administration and control building.

One of our gang noticed Bruce's car was leaking fuel onto the ground.  He discovered the new electric fuel pump we installed some days ago, with a manual power switch, was still running and overpowered a gasket on his carburetor.   A little patience and lots of skill made a repair on the spot.

We drove over a lift bridge which crosses the Welland Canal.   

Then past some beautiful vineyards.  Yup, we are in wine country here.

A scheduled stop at Strewn Winery.  A very nice welcome center, tasting room and sales room waited for us as we made a bee line for the power rooms.  But soon we were in the tasting room.  Yum... even at 10:30 in the morning.

Then a tour through the processing area where grapes are processed into juice, then fermented and stored for bottling.
Grahame was a very well informed tour guide and representative of the winery.  He taught us a lot about grapes, growing grapes and making wine.

Gewürztraminer is the grape on this vine.  Still in the middle of its growing season.

Then time for more samples... a dry white, a dry red and a very sweet desert wine.  All moderately priced.

Bill shows his enthusiasm for the dry white wine.
A spirited drive through the vineyard country, back by the Welland Canal to see if any freighters showed up (nope) then across back roads to a restaurant called "My Place".

Everyone seemed to have a good time until the carpenter started to repair a table in the next room and made a terrible racket with his hammer drill. 

Because of the late afternoon hour when we finished lunch most of us decided not to go to the next stop...another winery, and returned to the hotel.  We had a dinner scheduled for 6:30 and needed to rest and get cleaned up.

Dinner with the Canadian Morgan enthusiasts was a fabulous evening, with stories and fun for all.  In the middle Art and Patsy arrived to a standing ovation from their trek and adventure.  Seemed yesterday as they were traveling from Tobermory they lost part of the drive shaft mechanism.... a universal joint.  The car would run, but not too far without causing damage.  So they stopped, found a local mechanic in Durham, Ontario who helped diagnose the problem, order parts and clear the decks for repair in the morning.  Art and Patsy found the last room in a small hotel just down the road and said they had a relaxing evening and a wonderful meal. 

This morning they went back to the garage and had the repair completed before noon.  They are still having some trouble with their clutch and the part was supposed to arrive today, but didn't.  They hope it gets here on Monday.  So, they've really had an adventure.  But they are still smiling and happy and enjoying the trip.  And we are enjoying having them with us.

Out thanks go out to John Roden and the members of the Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada for their hospitality, enthusiasm and generousity of time to all of us on the Morgan Pub Crawl.  They are great people who expressed the hand of friendship and we really appreciated the welcome to the Niagara Falls area.

Tomorrow is the first unscheduled day of the Pub Crawl with no activities planned except for the farewell dinner tomorrow night.  Tune in to find out what we did in tomorrows blogspot.

BTW, email and internet at this hotel is spotty, but I appreciate the comments and good wishes sent to me at  Thanks!

Pub Crawl Day 15: Tobemory to St. Catharines, Ontario.

 Friday, July 20 is the last real travel day in the "official" Morgan Pub Crawl, though we all have to get home on Monday from this final destination.  Saturday and Sunday will be spent enjoying the Niagara area.

The early Tobermory morning dawned bright and inviting.

The marina adjacent to the hotel was a pleasant way to wake up.

The route today will take us from Tobermory south to St. Catharines, Ontario, a distance of some 250 miles.  The path begins in the wilderness of Canada and ends in the bustling metropolis of Toronto/Niagara Falls.  A shock to the senses as the ever increasing truck traffic along with well used high speed and very rough roads become your central thought. 

But the scenery through the small towns along the way remains a positive memory of Canada.

Along the route I wanted to see if I could find the old fishing camp my parents took me to when I was about 9 years old.  Er, some 60+ years ago.  Well, things have changed.  Char Hahn took this photo of Bruce Hardman's car tip toeing along a high crown dirt path.  We soon turned around.

After checking in to our very nice Sheraton Four Points accommodations, a touch of luxury we have not seen for two weeks, we joined the Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada for a reception and pub dinner in our honor. 

Dinner of pizza, hamburgers and fish sandwiches was enjoyed by all as we met new friends and learned more Morgan stories.

Tour organizer Charlie Miller presented a thank you gift to the MSCCC leader, John Roden. 

A nice touch to a long day. 

Tomorrow the MSCCC will take us on a tour of the Ontario wine country and Welland Canal in St. Catharines. 


Friday, July 20, 2012

Pub Crawl Day 14 Sault Ste Marie, Mi to Tobemory, Ontario

Thursday July 19 is our 14th day on the tour.  Two weeks of constant activity... driving, sightseeing, eating and sleeping.  Seems almost routine but it has been exciting, highly interesting and rather exhausting. 

This will be a long day of driving.  Here Charlie, our tour planner, and Reg discuss the route.

Which looks like this.  From Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, across the border and back into Canada, turn right and 100 or so miles, then turn right again for another 100 or so miles.  We need to be at the Ferry dock by 4:30, so everyone is leaving rather early.

It is a cool morning, and with basic cars, most without having put their side curtains (windows) in we were bundled up.

Across the bridge which separates Lake Superior from Lake Huron, and over the Soo locks.

We got to Little Current, a small town at the north side of Manitoulin Island, at lunch time.  Missy and Beth hit the shops to work up an appetite.

Here, Beth and Charlie relax waiting for their lunch.

And, Bob and Missy pose for their 2-shot, at the same restaurant.

While taking the 2-shot of Ellen and Bill Kukuk, the group curmudgeon Al stuck his head in. 

After lunch a stroll down Main St., in Little Current.

Hope you are not tired of shots like this... woods and water.  But the scenery has been spectacular for the past two weeks and this from the highway in Manitoulin Island was equally evocative.

We made it to the Ferry Dock with about 2 hours to spare, despite a leisurely lunch.  So, nothing to do for awhile except tour the two gift shops in South Baymouth.

The next few shots of of what people do while waiting for the Ferry.  Bruce took a nap.

Missy and Beth got some ice cream.  (And they weren't the only ones to do so.)

Reg took a nap.

Then the ferry arrived... quite an impressive boat, the Chi-Cheemaun Ferry.

People gathered by their cars to watch the arriving passengers disembark, and get ready to load their cars on the ship.

While under way for the hour and a half crossing of the straits between Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay some had refreshments and enjoyed the view.

Missy, Charlie and Beth getting some fresh air.

Almost like a cruise liner... lovely decks, lovely views and calm seas.

Arrival at Tobermory was marked by the lighthouse.  We disembarked, drove a block to our motor hotel and the smallest rooms we've ever had and planned for dinner somewhere.  It was late and most restaurants were closing within the hour so we scrambled to the Crows Nest nearby for another fish sandwich, then back to the room to rest before another early start Friday morning. 

Very poor internet connection so the blog did not get posted Thursday night.  Sorry.